Friday, September 25, 2009

When las . . .

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama On Kanye

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Monday, September 14, 2009


Sunday, September 13, 2009

WTF Files: LOL

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Americans are NOT stupid . . . . roooighttttt!

Don't take my word for it . . . you be the judge!

The Dog's favorite Panday

Subash at it again . . . LOL

2010 Budget . . .

The budget is out and by now we have heard that tickets for driving offenses have gone UP (no park lights, speeding, driving without seatbelt, dark tint & driving on the PBR . . . *sigh*) but also an increase in taxes on cigarettes & alcohol . . . 15% for local (Fernandes, Angosutra, etc) and 30% for imported (Moet, Johnnie, Hennessy, etc).

The Dog's view . . WE have forced the government to do something like this cuz really & truly the amount of people dying on our roads on a daily basis is obscene. The straw that broke the camel's back had to be 11-month Nevi Vionna Ramjit. She was on her mother's lap in the front seat of their vehicle (with no seatbelt) and upon impact baby Nevi went through the windscreen.

The raise in alcohol is also a two-fold plus for Trinidad as
1) we are the largest consumers of alcohol per capita in the Caribbean and no matter the cost of this vice, I personally don't see this changing anytime soon, so why shouldn't the government make some money for the country by raisin the tax?!
2) Drunk people act like drunk people and do shit when behind a steering wheel so why not raise the price to try to deter some from getting drunk (again I don't think it will deter the masses but a couple of individuals aint too bad a start)

There are alot of other things in the budget that are a good move for the country given the current state of things. . .

For the full budget click here

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Chronicles Of Killadev: A connoisseur of hurt!

AH BOY, well it has been awhile since I decided to post something, and this not for a lack of eventful and interesting happenings in the tumultuous mazes that is correctly representative of my life. I could simply point out my inadvertent and unwilling version of the ‘know your country tour’, which simply means I got extremely lost, on consecutive weekends in some places I did not know existed in Trinidad, like Savonetta. When I heard the name I earnestly believed it was some back water town on the outskirts of Caracas, but NO, it is really in Trinidad. Anyway the reason I decided to omit these adventures was that I was feeling to be a tad more profound than my recent postings. This urge to be more profound led me to my study of the interactions of the two extremely opposite, alien, seemingly unsustainable forces greatly contrasting forces: male and female relationships.

Now I am going to rag on the ladies because of a dialogue that has been going on in the office and it seems for an eternity. It is on the choice of significant others. So let’s set up the hypothetical situation: one girl two guys. Both guys are actively pursuing the love interest of the girl of more locally and lightly put ‘tracking the bird.’ However one of the guys is a known and renowned ‘player’ (I don’t agree with this term at all I see it as some sort of profiling or prejudicial statement) and the other is a good God fearing young man. Now it is my experience that 8 out of 10 times the player will get through as we say. Now this brings us to a loggerhead of values because girls scream from the mountain tops to the bottom of the ocean they want a man to treat them good and essentially hold their hand in the road, however the player is not doing that. The nice young man would but he is still not chosen. Why you say, I have a bazillion theories on this but I will submit one or two here, for time and space is an issue.

Theory number1:
Girls see the player as exciting and challenging, whether it be good or bad excitement but
excitement and perceives the nice guy as boring and a push over. They believe they would be bored with nice guy and always challenged and excited by the player who will have them ‘on their toes’ so to speak. In my experiences when a girl believes she can dominate a relationship as would be the case with the nice guy, she does want it and calls the guy lame and perceives him as weak, only because he wants to treat her good which if you recall was her mantra from peak of El Tucuche to the bottom of Gulf of Paria. So there is a fundamental problem built into this behaviour.

Theory number2:
Girls like getting treated badly. Now this may not make sense to you and
for that matter me but based on their actions it is hard to believe otherwise. Why would you knowingly enter into a situation with someone who may not even like you when you may have a nice guy willing to do almost anything for you? But yet still you disregard his advances and instead put yourself in front of the emotional firing squad. Would you not then be a glutton for punishment? A slave for pain? A connoisseur of hurt?

Now the theories I put forward have been modified time and time again and I am
not claiming to know anything more than my observations have shown and also I am not objected to modifying them again and again until they may hold fast most of the time. I say most of the time because it is impossible to have a blanket statement to cover every possible statement.
