Friday, May 29, 2009

Mother finds kidnapped son 27 years later on Facebook

It isn't everyday I hear about someone being reunited with their family after being missing for 27 years but the 'how' part of the story is what caught my attention.


Who would've thought that the social network that 99.9% of us use on a daily basis would lead to such a discovery.

Gavin Paros was taken away from his mother in 1982 by his father. For 27 years they had been unable to find eachother, until his aunt googled his name and his Facebook profile came up.

click here for the full story

Aint that sum shit . . .Facebook, fass-book, maco-book, devil-book, fb or fbk . . whatever you know it as really does connect you with the people in your life even after 27 years.

story courtesy Daily Mail UK

"I had four kids in the same year... TWICE"

Forget your local popular man or club dj or even internationally known soca star. . . Desmond Hatchett is the new definition of a 'gyallis'. He is 29 years old and has 21 children, with 11 different women.

This dude claims that all the women knew what they were getting into (lol) and that they all knew he had a (as he put it) large family, but judging from the trini women that the Dog has crossed paths with . . . i doubt it. Highly!

The saddest part is Desmond makes minimum wage and when the court is finished splitting up his pay check, for child support, each child gets approx US$1.98 or TT$12.00 a month, so the children are left lacking. How much milk and diapers can that really buy. Seriously?!?!

The Dog wants to wish Desmond and his family of 11 women and 21 children all the best . . but are you guys allergic to condoms and birth control??

story courtesy: The Huffington Post

DeBarge is back . . . this time Kristinia

check out the song . . . I'm digging it!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

WTF Files: Fan or Fanatic?

Anywhere and everywhere that there is something good going on, something positive, there is always one jackass to, pardon my french, f*%k it up!

According to Reuters,
FOUR people were killed in Ogbo, Nigeria yesterday while celebrating Barcelona's victory over Manchester Utd. An obviously disappointed and for some reason irate Man U fan thought it was good fun to drive his minibus into a crowd of Barca supporters.

The Dog knows that accidents do happen an car/minibus accidents happen everyday but the part that had me going WTF is the report from a police spokesperson at the scene who said . . .

"The driver had passed the crowd then made a U-turn and ran into them"
WTF homie . . . Football is football ie: fun and entertaining NOT guerrilla war.

Four people were killed, 10 injured and the driver was arrested ...what a way to end a good day of football.
Message to the driver of the bus: Look at the pic and hear my words, Forca Barca . . . Bless

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Music: Zoelah - More Water

Everybody loves a Consistent artist and it is apparent that Zoelah loves being one. She proves this once again with her latest song ----> More Water.

WTF Files: The Faux Po's

Monday, May 18, 2009

What do you think about this?

This past weekend the dog and some members of the TAP family had a mini debate about a news report in Friday's express(15th may). The report stated that the government made a decision to implement a new system for students to receive their SEA results via sms. All of this at a cost of $100,000TT, which some members of TAP argued is a small price to pay while trying to achieve first world status. Others argued that it is a waste of money and could be put to better use.

Here is the link to the story ----> CLICK ME
Tell us what you think.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Graduating this year? Well send us your graduation pictures.

It's finally over and you made it in one piece(well at least some of you), so in honor of your achievement we here at TAP will be posting your graduation pics. You worked your ass off for that degree so we decided to make it easy for you to show off that degree. All you have to do is send an email to with a picture of yourself, the name of your school and the degree you earned. We will take care of the rest.

Congratulations from all of us here at TAP.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

TAP: Blue Mountain Adventure (Jamaica)

Remember that blue mountain trip i told you guys i went on? Here are a couple pics from the adventure.

Friday, May 15, 2009

WTF Files: Is that what i think it is?

Joakim Noah of the Chicago Bulls

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tear Gas and Chaos in Picton Laventille

Lets go back 2 days to Tuesday

Location: Picton Laventille

Police say they arrested Trevlon Harry for posession of weed and a gun. He got away even though he was handcuffed and when they tried to get him back Picton residents opposed them.

Trevlon is saying that the police held him and carried him from his area Picton to Block Eight and let some fellas in Block Eight beat him up while they (the police) watched. He says the police wanted him to carry them to find a gun they were looking for in the area. He escaped and ran back to Picton with police chasing after him.

Well boy this sounding like a good plot for a movie.

Gayelle TV was in the area and captured what happened between residents and police . . . shells on the ground, tear gas, and REALLLL rab!!!

picture of Trevlon courtesy Trinidad Express
video courtesy Gayelle

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Champions League Semi's Recap

Recap courtesy Special 1 TV . . . enjoy! lol

Happy Mother's Day

thanks mum.

Happy Mother's Day 09

pic courtesy google (i can type with my paw but i'm yet to work the scanner so no pics of me or mum)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Take the Dog to work day - Richard "Torpedo" Thompson

So this past weekend the dog caught up with Richard "Torpedo" Thompson in Kingston, Jamaica. The Torpedo was there to compete in the Jamaica International Invitational Track & Field Meet. This was his first pro race for 2009 and part of his preparation for the world championships later on this year.

End result 4th place finish in 10.07 seconds.... Torpedo said he was a bit disappointed with his place in the race but happy with his time as it was his first pro outing for the season.

Who will take the dog to work next???

Thursday Throwback

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WTF Files: _________ (fill in the blank)

The Chronicles of Killadev

As I sit here in my drunken stupor and attempt to get a handle on this vodka induced hang over, I grapple with a question that has plagued me for it seems as long as I have been a sentient, rational being and that is.......' what the eff ?'..... Now this question covers an extremely wide area and has led me to humbly attempt to reach some sort of conclusion, or just get a better understanding of it. However to efficiently do this, I am of the belief that different approaches and applications to the aforementioned question; of the different topics, are needed to adequately attempt the impossible. However, to attempt to do this in one crimson blase of glory I believe, would be too long, so having total creative control as I was assured by the chief bloggist himself, I will do this in a piecemeal fashion. Thus, creating within my series another series of topics to be discussed lol, so in a way a series within a series or if you will, a nested series. I think I'll go with nested series.

Anyway, to dispense with pleasantries and jump right into the proverbial ocean, the first of the nested series I think I should tackle is romantic relationships. This came to me in a flash of genius as I indulged in some home-made dances and was forced to observe some dudes semi-drunken attempts at what trinis call 'tracking' in this club I frequent. Hence I have decided that this would be a perfect time to asses and analyze irelationships using the above question as a guide.

Now, this is not to knock or disrespect anyone who believes and can say with the highest confidence they are in a real relationship and by real I mean; something that makes sense and involves two willing parties. I think it is a beautiful thing and when done correctly could see two people being made better by it. This is for everyone else......

So I again ask WTF is the point... these highly famed and semi-voluntary situations seem to be a seamless cycle of pointlessness. To illustrate my point lets take a glimpse into what I have been exposed to through personal experience, as well as what I would like to call observation and study. It seems that these monogamous situations are all a copy of each other. One bounces from empty relationship to empty relationship not really sure what their goal is, each leaving the person a little more jaded than the previous, until they are so emotionally scarred and warped that they settle for less than they would have about two or three relationships before. That is then passed by some, sadly the majority, as growth or maturity. Nothing is wrong with experiencing growth on any level but ensuring that this growth is sincerely growth and not just acceptance is sometimes very difficult. Now I am of the firm belief that; to enter into anything not knowing what you want as a result of your commitment, is not the most mature thing to do. So from the get go there is a contradiction to the very maturity that is somehow always invoked when dealing with these relationships.

So as this cycle continues one, be it boy or girl, hopes and begs that their relationship partner does something, or anything innocuously different form their other failed used-to-be suitors, to cause the brain to send electric charges to some gland that will in turn give off some chemical message that will result in that cliché feeling that is often referred to as love. Is this the point of relationships then, love? If that is the case then someone should only enter a relationship when they want to be in love or fall in love or whatever nice movie term you want to apply there? But in that lies a potential problem, in knowing this wouldn’t one sometimes force the situation which would end in one not truly attaining love but instead some weird aberration? Also, when one realises they are in a relationship where love could never develop should they do the responsible thing and end it or just enjoy it for everything it is and what it is not, and let it runs its natural course?

It seems somehow I have come up with even more questions and failed to answer the initial one. GO figure..... lol

P.S. VODKA is not to be drunk by humans; this disinfectant should only be used to clean tiles or something of the sort....


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bridgette Wilson, Choreographer Extraordinaire

Do you remember the solo performance of a dance entitled 'Counting' at Points of Passion??? Or do you know who choreographed the section of the show called "Kaleidoscope", which featured six colorful dancers in a quirky section with lots of movements???

Bridgette Wilson was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. From an early age, she trained and danced with the Caribbean School of Dancing and was invited to join the Metamorphosis Dance Company in 2000. In 2002 and 2004, as a member of Metamorphosis, Bridgette toured the UK, dancing at Trafalgar Square in London and theatres located in Tewksbury, Liverpool, Manchester and Gloucester. Mainly trained in ballet and modern, Bridgette has earned her Associate Certificate in Modern Theatre from the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and has also been successful in a number of ballet exams taken by the Royal Academy of Dancing.

In 2005, she packed her bags for Canada to study at York University and is now in her final semester of completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance with Honors. In Canada, she was a senior member of the York Dance Ensemble, the professional performing dance company at York University made up of the dance program's most promising third and fourth year dancers. She officially gave up her membership with the company in February 2009, when the oppourtunity to choreograph with the Metamorphosis Dance Company came about.

Upon graduation, Bridgette plans to continue pursuing her career as a choreographer, both locally and abroad. She has a desire to return to school in the future to obtain other dance related degrees, but her current focus is on teaching, choreography, and eventually running a dance company dually based in Trinidad and Toronto.

Friday, May 1, 2009



(These guys were great, a blast to lime with after the show! L-R Drummer Derrick Wright, TAP family member/pup Brenna Woodhouse, pianist Miles Robertson, lead guitarist Ben Thomas, bass guitarist Tom Driessler, TAP family member/pup Zindzi Morris-Alleyne, pianist/organist and HALF-TRINI (yay!) Selan Lerner, TAP family member/pup Holly Greco.)

(Miles tearing it up on the keys ... fantastic lighting at this show!)

(Adele performing "Daydreamer")

Amazing. Absolutely, heart-stoppingly amazing. The Dog, along with other members of the wider TAP family like Mr Niall Royal, have been singing newly-acclaimed Grammy-winner Adele's praises for the longest time. We first discovered her in 2007, then she released her first hit single "Chasing Pavements" in early 2008 and we were hooked. We needed to know more. Her voice, it wasn't real was it? Nahhhh, that's just studio tricks.

And then The Dog caught her show in Montreal in June 2008, at the Cabaret Theatre. Amazed, he had to see her again ... and did on Tuesday night.

Fortunately for us here at The Angry Pothound, we get a lot of love from family and friends who feel what we are doing ... and who, for the most part, can't resist The Dog's infectious smile (sooo handsome, The Dog). So of course, when Adele concert time rolled around, TAP was personally invited by Adele's AMAZINGLY TALENTED pianist, Bajan musician Miles Robertson to catch Adele's second-ever Montreal show (Miles is the product of two huge internationally-recognized Caribbean talents, jazz pianist Raf Robertson and the late Janice Millington).

And, of course, Mr Robertson delivered - he was phenomenal, and had a couple of great solos on "Hometown Glory" and her cover of Bob Dylan's "Make You Feel My Love" (a personal favourite). The Caribbean just always manages to produce such exceptional talent, doesn't it?

Anyways, just had to show love for Miles, for bringing TAP to the performance, giving us a great show and sharing his talent with us. Look out for him, he's definitely making huge moves.

Back to Miss Adele. This woman's voice quality when performing live is unparalleled, she literally has one of the most beautiful voices we've ever heard. Adele and her band started off with a bang, with the upbeat, vibrant "Cold Shoulder", and thrilled the audience with some great covers, including an amazing one of Sam Cooke's "That's It, I Quit (I'm Movin' On)" and her usual cover of Etta James' "Fool That I Am" ... she also killed it on a goosebump-inducing cover of The Raconteurs' "Many Shades of Black" - perhaps one of the best covers and songs we've heard in a long time. She also performed some new songs ("Stand By Me", an unfinished effort - definitely worth it!), and did a solo acoustic set for "Daydreamer" - which would have been sooo much better, had it not been for the group of obnoxious gay guys near the front who were too busy partying and taking pix of themselves to pay attention .... so rude, she kept looking at them cuz they were seriously throwing her off her game. Oh well, pearls before swine.

A couple photos above, including a photo of some of the band with a few of The Dog's pups that he sent out to cover the show. Adele's first album 19 is in stores now, and look out for her sophomore album coming out. For our internationally-based peoples, tour dates are as follows:


Boston, MA

Orpheum Theatre


Philadelphia, PA

Electric Factory

05/05/2009New York, NYRoseland Ballroom (SOLD OUT but still hit up Craigslist as ppl are always looking to get rid of concert tickets at good prices)

06/26/2009Los Angeles, CAHollywood Bowl
w/ Etta James