So these Somalian pirates that on a rampage hijacking boats on the high seas slipped up and landed on their head . . . big time.
Their usuals targets are oil tankers and cargo ships with little to no security. Thats all well and good as some actually argue that the pirates are somewhat validated in their attempts to "tax" ships for passing through their waters as they are without a proper governemt since 1991. I don't necessarily agree with them but thats not really my issue with them here and now.
18 years without a government . . . WTF yo!
In June an "official" (ie its Chief Farah Ahmen Omar) was asked about the Somalian Navy which is supposed to be guarding their waters from pirates. He revealed that they had no boats nor equipment and he himself has not been to sea in 23 years. LOL
Anyhow back to the matter at hand . . .
These brothers spotted a boat out at sea and decided that this boat was their next target... now in terms of technology these pirates aren't like John Travolta in Swordfish type badboys eh. More like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. So they have no facts to work with other than they seeing a boat and it looking like a imps.
So yea boom dey start to shoot behind the boat.
Next ting dem brothers realise - d boat shooting at them more than they shooting at it and the guns on the boat bigger and shiner than their own.
Dese fuckers mistake a FRENCH NAVY command and supply ship for a harmless cargo vessel. I sure dem brothers shit deyself twice before they knew what to do next.
Obviously they tried to 'run' but 5 of them were caught but they had already dropped their guns into the sea.
What I want from you'll is to comment and give me some bigger fuckups in history.
Link to orginal story