Thursday, July 16, 2009

Killa Dev, Dinners, Rega and the Dog = proceed with CAUTION

So, The Dog officially kicked off his summer with some of the TAP family at Island People’s annual superfete “Caution.”

Every year, “Caution” is THE summer event that people always look forward to the most. Personally, The Dog has yet to miss a “Caution”. It’s
always that party, you know, the one party every year that you feel you should go to. It’s the one party that you and your friends reminisce about for the rest of the year. Usually, there’s one really good story of something amazing happening. “Caution 2007”, we here at The Angry Pothound remember a certain friend being repeatedly attacked by an angry chick, who believed that she was on girlfriend status with said friend when she was, in fact, just passing through. She gave him major face time, literally refusing to move even when he was being flanked by his friends for protection, and repeatedly verbally attacking him and asking him where their relationship stood. LADIES, TAKE NOTE: THIS KINDA BEHAVIOUR WILL NOT GET U WIFED OR DATED. No one likes a screaming banshee. Said friend, however, recalls having an awesome time at the party, and so does everyone else. See what we mean? “Caution” is always just that awesome annual party.

So this year, TAP pups, family members and friends Killa Dev, Dinners, Rega et al, all headed to this so-called “secret location” that Island People loves to tease us with every year. And every year, it works, and no one ever manages to guess beforehand, unless they’ve been given an inside scoop, which is usually only reserved for members of the media. This year, Island People decided that the perfect location would be The Salt Factory in Chaguaramas. Party at The Salt Factory? Great partying and salt should not be in the same sentence unless there’s some kinda “not” or “no” in there, non?

Anyway, The Dog digresses. Barring the overly-long Michael Jackson tribute session that has been a staple at every party, club and bar around the world for the last 2 weeks (oh, when will it end?), Island People managed to redeem themselves from the disaster that was Amnesia – avid partygoers and others unable to stay home, you know what we’re talking about, right?

The Angry Pothound and company arrived around 1:00 am, unofficial mascot Killa Dev in tow and ready to party/ “get naked”, a favourite pastime of his. We walked for about, hmmm, 3 minutes down an unpaved road to get into “Caution.” The ladies in the group were not too happy about the damage being done to their heels, I’m sure. However, after entering, everyone agreed that the mini-trek was worth it. The location was, thematically, an excellent choice. Picture an open-air nightclub, trimmed with yellow caution tape everywhere … in the middle of nowhere. Looked like one of the sets from “Terminator Salvation,” that is, if the T-600 Terminator robots were drunk, human, and wearing some unimaginative statement tee or some boring short pants/slinky top combo.

Again, The Dog digresses. What can we say, he gets distracted much too easily, dogs have super-short attention spans. But, if we were going to give you a bottom line, we’d say that everything was pretty good. Not amazing, but definitely not complaint-worthy. The music was mixed, a nice departure from having soca blaring at you all night, forcing girls to perform hip-breaking wining stunts. Bar service was good, and unlike a party or two that The Dog has attended and/or blogged about in the last few months, the crowd was for the most part, well-behaved.

A few local celebrities and party staples were also spotted: Hey Ha himself, Sachy (we have got to interview him about this name), Blaze from RED 96.7’s Morning Show, and Synergy TV presenter and friend Whitney Husbands. Whitney, if you’re reading this, which we KNOW you are, you looked awesome as usual. Girl always looks stunning, and is such a sweetheart.

Otherwise, we must say that there really was nothing special to speak of. Nothing stood out. And you know The Dog is alllll about standing out. A good party is a good party, and that’s just what “Caution” was – a good party. Not great, not amazing, not epic … just pretty good. Not “Caution 2007” good (please refer to aforementioned drama). But good nonetheless. Things finally tied off at 6:04 am, with sunlight blazing, and a lot of barebacked dudes running around, including Killa Dev. He definitely has a Killa Dev Chronicle that he will be sharing with you all soon, I guarantee it.

T.A.P.’s FINAL WORD: We love a good conflict-free time, but with all the “non-specialness,” we kinda started wishing for a mini-drama. And Island People, if you’re going to give us a theme/concept party, spice things up a bit. We fear you guys might be getting a bit too lazy. The Dog can’t stand laziness. Grrrrrrrr.

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